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Sunday 16 February 2025
Open 9:00am - 1:00pm

Asia Pacific Video

3 November 2023 - 17 December 2023

Asia Pacific Video

Neha Choksi, Chim↑Pom, Joyce Ho, Takahiko Iimura, Salote Tawale, Junebum Park, Nathan Pohio, UuDam Tran Nguyen, Tsui Kuang-Yu and Yang Zhenzhong

Joyce Ho (b.1983, Taiwan), Overexposed memory (still), 2015, Single-channel video, colour, sound, 5mins, Edition 3/5, Purchased 2018 (QAGOMA Foundation, Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art). © Joyce Ho. 

‘Asia Pacific Video’ includes works by Neha Choksi (India), Chim↑Pom (Japan), Joyce Ho (Taiwan), Takahiko Iimura (Japan), Salote Tawale (Fiji/Australia), Junebum Park (South Korea), Nathan Pohio (New Zealand), UuDam Tran Nguyen (Vietnam), Tsui Kuang-Yu (Taiwan) and Yang Zhenzhong (China).

The exhibition highlights artists experimenting with video as an art form, capturing bodily actions and performative practices, creating intersections between contemporary art and other screen and film cultures and developing new ways to explore materials, objects and environments.

Asia Pacific Video is a touring exhibition developed by the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art. Bookings are not required.

Please note that after this exhibition closes from 1pm Sunday 17 December, Umbrella is closed to the public 18 - 22 December 2023, reopening for two final Christmas shopping days Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 December 2023, before further holiday closure. Umbrella will then reopen from 6pm Friday 2 February 2024.

Perc Tucker Regional Gallery is presenting Asia Pacific Contemporary: Three Decades of APT, QAGOMA’s companion touring exhibition to Asia Pacific VideoAsia Pacific Contemporary is on display at Perc Tucker Regional Gallery until 20 January 2024. 

Also on display during this period

All Exhibitions
3 November 2023 -
17 December 2023
Open Hours

Tues - Fri: 9am-5pm

Sat - Sun: 9am-1pm

Gallery closed Mondays, public holidays and during exhibition install weeks.

Follow our social media for updates.


(07) 4772 7109

408 Flinders Street,
Gurambilbarra (Townsville),
Qld, 4810 Australia

PO Box 2394,
Gurambilbarra (Townsville),
Qld, 4810 Australia

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Acknowledgement of Country

Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts respectfully acknowledges the Wulgurukaba of Gurambilbarra and Yunbenun and the surrounding groups of our region - Bindal, Gugu Badhan, Nywaigi, Warrgamay, Bandjin and Gudjal - as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we gather, share and celebrate local creative practice. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first people of Australia. They have never ceded sovereignty and remain strong in their enduring connection to land and Culture.

Umbrella is a Member & Signatory of the Indigenous Art Code. This means we are committed to fair and ethical trade with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, and transparency in the promotion and sale of artwork. As a Dealer Member and signatory to the Code we must act fairly, honestly, professionally and in good conscience in all direct or indirect dealings with artists.

Help Us Elevate Regional Artists

We champion artists, amplifying their distinctive and authentic voices. We are an inclusive platform for independent, experimental, contemporary arts practice in local, national, and international arts landscapes. We have a thirty-six year history of connecting artists and audiences and we couldn't do it without your support.

Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) with the Australian Taxation Office. Donations to Umbrella are tax deductible for amounts of $2 or more. Click here to donate.


Umbrella is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, part of the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy, and by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, state and territory governments. | Umbrella is supported by the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation and receives funding from Creative Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund. | Townsville City Council is a funding partner of Umbrella's program.